a Community Referral Staffing Agency
Navigating your way to a new career on your own can be overwhelming. You're making a decision that can lead you towards your dreams or into despair. For too long, companies have preyed on well intentioned job seekers, giving false hope and expectations in desperation to get you to join their company. CommunityRoots stands for integrity. We partner with local businesses to understand exactly what they offer, the true carer path, and realistic expectations. Instead of spending an hour filling out dead end job applications, simply submit your info here and our Talent Scouts will connect with our TalentCommunity to provide you an honest insight to the current opportunity market.
Leverage our knowledge and resources to create a plan of attack customized to your specific business needs. We work across all verticals and can apply that insight to remove your speed bumps, bottlenecks, and roadblocks.
Great ideas and businesses fail with average employees. High Volume and Traditional staffing across all verticals, our community roots go where others can't. Our proactive strategy allows us to fill roles faster, with top talent not found on the broad market.
Become a TalentGrove Community Certified company to showcase your impact on the community, what your're doing right to attract top talent, and what job seekers can expect when joining your team.
The ripple of effect layoffs due to downsizing from loss of revenue, mergers & acquisitions, relocation or closing of businesses are felt in the community, in the household, and in the individual. Instead of looming unemployment, we partner to find next step transitions for those who will be left behind. Show your appreciation to your employees dedication and allow us to open the door on their next career. We call this the Human Side of Business.
Want to be the change in your community? Let's partner together to provide personal and economic stability for ALL. Our goal is to create a world based in cooperation, not competition. Strengthening it from the inside out. Focus your energy and desire to help other create stability and purpose in their life.
Ready to focus on what you do best and let us help you at what we do best? Please submit your info and let us know how we can serve you through our Professional Services.